Around the Internets
Jamie Morton, Alice Levine and James Cooper from ‘My Dad Wrote A Porno’ podcast

As one pod fades another marketing door opens.

While podcast listening is still amazingly on the rise, the drop off from those making them is too. Just like baby turtles making their first steps from shell to the water (run turtles, run), not all podcasts make it. Of the 540,000+ podcasts out there at the moment only half will be still going after a 7 episodes. This dramatic drop-off has even been given its own term – ‘podfade’.

53% of weekly podcast listeners are tuning in through Spotify.

The accelerated rush of podcasters is quickly followed by a gravitational pull downward as reality sets in and the hard work mounts. But as with all things, slow and steady wins the race. Or in this instance, deep pockets win. As companies like Spotify continue to invest in growing their podcast businesses, the marketing opportunities will become more sophisticated. In commercial terms, it’s is still early days which means it’s an area more brands will consider incorporating into their marketing strategies.

Speaking of which, if you want to get in on the ground floor of our ‘Brands Are Just Like Baby Turtles’ podcast, send us an email.